Welche Peergroup hat sich in den ersten sechs Monaten am besten entwickelt? TiAM FundResearch hat mit Hilfe von FVBS professional ermittelt, wer die Nase vorne hatte.
07.07.2023 | 13:30 Uhr von «Jörn Kränicke»
Beim Blick auf die Fondsbilanz des ersten Halbjahres 2023 fällt sofort auf, dass wie in der Realwirtschaft Deutschland in Europa eher das Schlusslicht bildet. Deutlich besser haben sich die Fonds entwickelt, die in Südeuropa anlegen. Am besten hat sich dabei Griechenland geschlagen. Gut, es gibt mit dem Hellas Opportunities, (LF) Equity - Greek Equities Fund und einem ETF auf den MSCI Greece nur drei Griechenland Fonds. Dennoch ist es ein Indikator dafür, dass es im Süden gut läuft. Rund 40 Prozent konnten Griechenland-Fonds zulegen. Nicht einmal die Technologiefonds waren im Schnitt ähnlich gut. Sie brachten es auf lediglich gut 27 Prozent.
Auch Medien-und Kommunikationstitel waren erfolgreich
Mit schon deutlichem Abstand folgen Fonds, die in Medien- und Kommunikationstitel investieren, auf dem dritten Rang. Sie legten gut 17 Prozent zu. Knapp dahinter folgen spanische Aktienfonds. Die Peergroups für Lateinamerika, Italien, Brasilien, Frankreich, Euroland und Japan komplettieren die Top Ten des ersten Halbjahres 2023.
Übersicht über die Aktienfonds-Peergroups
Name | Perf. 2023 | Perf. 1 Jahr | Perf. 2 Jahre kum. | Perf. 3 Jahre kum. | Perf. 5 Jahre kum. |
AF Südeuropa | 40,40% | 55,75% | 38,35% | 113,21% | 82,62% |
AF Technologie | 27,21% | 19,99% | -12,09% | 28,98% | 78,43% |
AF Medien + Kommunikation | 17,34% | 8,91% | -15,78% | 6,29% | 24,46% |
AF Spanien | 17,10% | 18,71% | 8,55% | 33,78% | 9,13% |
AF Lateinamerika | 16,22% | 26,11% | 11,63% | 51,68% | 36,55% |
AF Italien | 16,19% | 28,07% | 9,56% | 49,14% | 31,39% |
AF Brasilien | 14,13% | 22,47% | -1,36% | 37,06% | 45,05% |
AF Frankreich | 13,90% | 21,07% | 8,51% | 39,42% | 22,08% |
AF Euroland | 13,55% | 20,07% | 4,45% | 33,70% | 28,14% |
AF Japan | 13,49% | 16,11% | 6,17% | 28,94% | 27,05% |
AF Luxus/Lifestyle | 12,88% | 17,94% | 1,21% | 45,66% | 56,94% |
AF Osteuropa | 12,82% | 6,94% | -40,12% | -21,02% | -23,14% |
AF USA | 12,63% | 12,32% | 4,00% | 39,63% | 62,35% |
AF Europa ex UK | 12,36% | 18,48% | 2,54% | 36,59% | 46,24% |
AF Nordamerika | 12,22% | 11,79% | 1,83% | 37,35% | 58,02% |
AF Asien-Pazifik/Einzelländer | 11,86% | 1,16% | -1,15% | 42,37% | 47,98% |
AF Konsum | 11,22% | 7,65% | -17,66% | 9,59% | 27,71% |
AF Schweiz/Nebenwerte | 11,16% | 11,81% | -6,28% | 25,89% | 35,88% |
AF Deutschland | 10,99% | 16,21% | -7,14% | 19,72% | 13,27% |
AF Europa | 10,22% | 14,25% | 1,61% | 29,55% | 27,76% |
AF International | 9,51% | 9,83% | -0,10% | 29,93% | 42,22% |
AF Ökologie/Nachhaltigkeit | 9,08% | 10,21% | -1,12% | 32,60% | 53,53% |
AF Nordamerika/Nebenwerte | 8,99% | 11,66% | -3,53% | 37,86% | 50,69% |
AF Schweiz | 8,79% | 9,68% | 1,48% | 25,49% | 51,05% |
AF Euroland/Nebenwerte | 8,03% | 11,32% | -7,34% | 25,26% | 11,76% |
AF Deutschland/Nebenwerte | 7,99% | 6,24% | -18,61% | 12,83% | 8,47% |
AF Korea | 7,86% | 2,86% | -25,99% | 18,83% | 9,11% |
AF USA/Nebenwerte | 7,82% | 10,17% | -3,07% | 37,99% | 41,48% |
AF Branchen + Themen/Sonstige | 7,78% | 5,94% | -2,72% | 25,48% | 38,20% |
AF Umwelttechnologie | 7,15% | 10,63% | -1,10% | 39,11% | 56,81% |
AF Mittlerer Osten/Afrika | 7,01% | 1,96% | 9,80% | 44,91% | 26,88% |
AF International/Nebenwerte | 6,65% | 8,61% | -6,03% | 38,53% | 28,72% |
AF Europa/Nebenwerte | 6,40% | 7,12% | -13,38% | 22,72% | 18,15% |
AF Indien | 6,32% | 11,00% | 13,95% | 68,51% | 45,98% |
AF Finanzwerte | 5,70% | 12,38% | 0,92% | 40,61% | 31,33% |
AF Österreich | 5,44% | 8,21% | -4,79% | 41,16% | 8,37% |
AF Großbritannien | 5,17% | 5,88% | 0,52% | 28,81% | 9,49% |
AF Japan/Nebenwerte | 4,67% | 7,44% | -8,25% | 9,35% | 5,03% |
AF Emerging Markets | 4,50% | 0,05% | -16,98% | 11,77% | 12,02% |
AF Benelux | 3,45% | 9,44% | 0,88% | 34,29% | 28,25% |
AF Laufzeiten + Garantie | 3,20% | 1,53% | -6,08% | 2,01% | 1,76% |
AF Nahrung | 3,06% | 2,97% | -7,12% | 14,40% | 24,45% |
AF Asien-Pazifik | 2,59% | -1,40% | -13,52% | 11,76% | 14,28% |
AF Energie | 2,56% | 9,62% | 14,58% | 80,23% | 42,14% |
Absolute Return / aktienorientiert | 1,50% | 1,03% | 5,58% | 12,89% | 14,06% |
Absolute Return / rentenorientiert | 1,16% | 0,92% | -4,59% | -1,58% | 3,51% |
AF Australien | 0,87% | 6,23% | 5,03% | 42,68% | 40,03% |
AF Pharma + Gesundheit | 0,85% | 2,54% | -9,76% | 8,96% | 37,26% |
AF Immobilien + Reits/USA | 0,69% | -9,96% | -7,39% | 14,34% | 21,64% |
AF Asien-Pazifik/ex Japan | 0,60% | -3,72% | -16,24% | 11,10% | 13,48% |
Absolute Return / sonstige Strategien | 0,40% | -0,05% | -0,81% | 7,34% | 9,97% |
AF Immobilien + Reits/Welt | -0,22% | -8,93% | -12,67% | 8,67% | 6,97% |
AF Skandinavien | -0,56% | 2,78% | -10,64% | 32,49% | 39,43% |
AF Singapur | -0,57% | 3,99% | -4,62% | 14,37% | 3,65% |
AF Gold | -0,62% | 3,80% | -9,60% | -14,83% | 39,62% |
AF Biotechnologie | -1,30% | 5,84% | -13,26% | -6,80% | 18,13% |
AF Rohstoffe | -2,96% | 3,03% | 5,11% | 47,39% | 35,27% |
AF Agrar | -3,76% | -5,44% | -8,69% | 24,45% | 22,53% |
AF Immobilien + Reits/Europa | -5,81% | -16,36% | -31,71% | -16,88% | -20,17% |
AF Emerging Markets/Einzelländer | -6,49% | -16,01% | -17,58% | -2,31% | -4,66% |
AF Immobilien + Reits/Asien | -6,87% | -12,28% | -18,30% | -4,00% | -3,91% |
AF Hong Kong + China | -9,59% | -23,09% | -38,43% | -20,77% | -8,74% |
AF Thailand | -11,05% | -7,32% | -3,29% | 2,05% | -3,62% |
AF Türkei | -18,72% | 58,84% | 74,79% | 51,56% | 30,10% |
Blockchainfonds sind die großen Gewinner
Beim Blick auf die besten Performer unter den Einzelfonds stechen Blockchainfonds hervor. Mit einem Zuwachs von 147 Prozent war der VanEck Crypto and Blockchain Innovators UCITS ETF der Spitzenreiter. Trotz des exorbitanten Anstiegs haben Anleger, die schon seit Auflage des ETFs im April 2021 investiert sind, keine Freude an dem Fonds gehabt. 2022 verlor er 85 Prozent und seit Auflage ist er immer noch rund 70 Prozent im Minus.
Morgan Stanley glänzt mit Endurance Fonds
Unter den breiter anlegenden Technologiefonds haben sich der BIT Global Internet Leaders mit 62 Prozent und der Morgan Stanley Investment Funds - Global Endurance Fund mit 57 Prozent am besten geschlagen. Aber auch diese beiden Fonds gehörten 2022 mit einem Verlust von 59 beziehungsweise 65 Prozent zu den großen Verlierern.
Japan feiert fulminantes Comeback
Das die größten Verlierer 2022 zu den größten Gewinnern im laufenden Jahr zählen, ist nichts wirklich Ungewöhnliches. Viel überraschender war im laufenden Jahr das Comeback der japanischen Aktien. Für Marko Behring, Leiter Asset Management der Fürst Fugger Privatbank, hat die dynamische Entwicklung an der Tokioter Börse zunächst mit den Bewertungen zu tun: „Mehr als die Hälfte aller börsennotierten Unternehmen in Japan notieren gegenwärtig unter ihrem Buchwert.“ Auch hätten fast die Hälfte aller japanischen börsennotierten Unternehmen Cash in ihren Bilanzen stehen. Damit könnten problemlos Schulden getilgt oder Sonderdividenden ausgeschüttet werden. „Hohe Cashbestände, eine niedrige Unternehmensverschuldung und eine allgemein gute Bilanzqualität sind vorzügliche Gründe, einen genaueren Blick nach Japan zu werfen“, ist Behring überzeugt.
Schwacher Yen sorgt für Gewinne
Quant IP Chef Lucas von Reuss sieht einen Grund für das fulminante Comeback im schwachen Yen. Er sorge dafür, dass japanische Aktien für ausländische Investoren attraktiver werden. „Der schwache Yen sorgt bei den vielen Export-orientierten Unternehmen Japans kurzfristig für Währungsgewinne und mittelfristig für Wettbewerbsvorteile. Gleichzeitig sendet die heimische Wirtschaft positive Signale: Nach Jahrzehnten deflationärer Ängste steigen seit einigen Monaten die Preise - und im Tandem endlich die Löhne. Die Immobilienpreise steigen seit zwei Jahren. Auf Drängen der Börse Tokyo kaufen immer mehr Firmen Aktien zurück - eine Maßnahme, welche die immer noch erheblich niedrigere Bewertung japanischer Unternehmen im internationalen Vergleich heben sollte“, so von Reuss.
Währungsgesicherte Fonds haben die Nase vorn
Am besten abgeschnitten haben im laufenden Jahr Japan-Fonds, die die den Yen absichern. Denn die japanische Währung hat alleine 2023 rund zehn Prozent an Wert verloren. Am besten lief bislang der DWS Invest CROCI Japan LCH mit rund 33 Prozent Zuwachs. Knapp dahinter platzierten sich der iShares MSCI Japan GBP Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc), WisdomTree Japan Equity UCITS ETF - EUR Hedged Acc, iMGP Japan Opportunities C EUR HP und auch der Pictet - Japanese Equity Selection HP EUR. Wer jedoch langfristig in Japan investieren möchte, sollte jedoch eher in ungehedgte Anteilsklassen investieren. Denn so kann man zusätzlich von einem Wiederanstieg des Yen profitieren.
Die besten Fonds im ersten Halbjahr 2023
Name | ISIN | Perf. lfd. Jahr | Perf. 1 Jahr | Perf. 2 Jahre kum. | Volatilität 1 Jahr |
VanEck Crypto and Blockchain Innovators UCITS ETF USD A | IE00BMDKNW35 | 147,26% | 46,39% | -69,99% | 92,26% |
Global X Blockchain UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE000XAGSCY5 | 135,10% | 42,82% | 89,35% | |
iShares Blockchain Technology UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE000RDRMSD1 | 91,05% | |||
BIT Global Crypto Leaders R-I | DE000A3CNGM3 | 88,72% | 36,55% | 61,80% | |
Lyxor ETF Nasdaq-100 Daily Leveraged EUR | FR0010342592 | 80,28% | 50,48% | -1,15% | 54,08% |
Grayscale Future of Finance UCITS ETF - Acc | IE000TVPSRI1 | 70,45% | 18,83% | 66,22% | |
ETC Group Digital Assets and Blockchain Equity UCITS ETF Acc | IE00BMQ8YK98 | 65,34% | -19,32% | 47,74% | |
BIT Global Internet Leaders SICAV-FIS I | LU1640611676 | 62,83% | 31,67% | -43,16% | 28,87% |
Morgan Stanley Global Endurance Fund A | LU2027375281 | 55,89% | 30,08% | -55,53% | 32,98% |
WisdomTree Blockchain UCITS ETF - USD Acc | IE000940RNE6 | 52,28% | |||
Amundi MSCI Semiconductors ESG Screened UCITS ETF Acc | LU1900066033 | 51,93% | 46,49% | 9,89% | 43,17% |
WEALTHGATE Biotech Aggressive Fund P | DE000A2PYP99 | 51,67% | 15,97% | -35,71% | 32,42% |
BIT Global Internet Leaders 30 R - I | DE000A2N8127 | 51,32% | 26,36% | -43,05% | 26,29% |
VanEck Semiconductor UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE00BMC38736 | 46,63% | 42,29% | 25,66% | 40,23% |
10XDNA - Disruptive Technologies - R | DE000DNA10X3 | 44,46% | 22,17% | 35,54% | |
JPMorgan Funds - US Technology Fund A (dist) - USD | LU0082616367 | 44,03% | 34,19% | -7,29% | 32,68% |
BIT Global Fintech Leaders R-I | DE000A2QJLA8 | 43,80% | 9,21% | -51,37% | 31,90% |
HSBC NASDAQ Global Semiconductor UCITS ETF USD | IE000YDZG487 | 43,60% | 40,45% | 38,18% | |
T. Rowe Price Funds SICAV - Global Technology Equity Fund A | LU1244139660 | 43,58% | 26,63% | -35,50% | 34,26% |
T. Rowe Price Funds SICAV - Science and Technology Equity I USD acc | LU1820537915 | 42,32% | 35,01% | -8,40% | 27,78% |
Amundi S&P Global Information Technology ESG UCITS ETF DR - EUR (A) | IE000E7EI9P0 | 42,29% | |||
Roundhill Ball Metaverse UCITS ETF A USD | IE00082BU3V4 | 41,77% | 23,91% | 33,22% | |
Franklin Shariah Technology Fund A (acc) USD | LU2458330086 | 41,63% | 27,90% | 32,85% | |
Xtrackers Artificial Intelligence & Big Data UCITS ETF 1C | IE00BGV5VN51 | 40,76% | 26,42% | 4,77% | 26,19% |
Putnam Global Technology Fund E2 EUR Acc | IE000BVXC614 | 40,64% | 36,48% | 26,35% | |
HELLAS Opportunities Fund P | LU0920841326 | 40,40% | 55,75% | 38,35% | 19,62% |
iShares MSCI Global Semiconductors UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE000I8KRLL9 | 40,38% | 36,54% | 37,70% | |
iShares S&P 500 Information Technology Sec UCITS ETF USD (Acc) | IE00B3WJKG14 | 40,12% | 34,13% | 31,13% | 28,66% |
Invesco Technology S&P US Select Sector UCITS ET | IE00B3VSSL01 | 39,75% | 34,50% | 30,38% | 28,77% |
L&G Metaverse ESG Exclusions UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE0004U3TX15 | 39,68% | |||
Franklin Metaverse UCITS ETF | IE000IM4K4K2 | 39,58% | |||
Xtrackers Future Mobility UCITS ETF 1C | IE00BGV5VR99 | 38,20% | 21,01% | 4,16% | 26,56% |
TAMAC Technology Champions P | LU1718477372 | 38,19% | 19,46% | -22,46% | 30,46% |
Lyxor MSCI Greece UCITS ETF - Dist | FR0010405431 | 38,04% | 59,76% | 44,58% | 21,93% |
TBF Global Technology USD (R) | DE000A0D9PG7 | 37,96% | 15,68% | -20,26% | 30,12% |
SPDR S&P U.S. Technology Select Sector UCITS ETF | IE00BWBXM948 | 37,61% | 32,20% | 29,44% | 28,32% |
ETC Group Global Metaverse UCITS ETF Acc | IE000KDY10O3 | 37,36% | 33,02% | 29,30% | |
Lyxor ETF Euro STOXX 50 Daily Leverage | FR0010468983 | 37,28% | 63,33% | 19,62% | 40,71% |
Xtrackers MSCI Next Generation Internet Innovation UCITS ETF 1C USD | IE000XOQ9TK4 | 37,26% | 21,37% | 24,76% | |
iShares MSCI World Information Technology Sector ESG UCITS ETF USD (Dist) | IE00BJ5JNY98 | 37,09% | 30,11% | 18,18% | 28,17% |
Invesco Markets plc - Invesco NASDAQ-100 Swap UCITS ETF Acc | IE00BNRQM384 | 37,01% | 27,35% | 15,35% | 26,44% |
Xtrackers MSCI USA Information Technology UCITS ETF 1D | IE00BGQYRS42 | 36,98% | 29,95% | 23,28% | 28,28% |
Global X Robotics & Artificial Intelligence UCITS ETF Acc | IE00BLCHJB90 | 36,95% | 35,20% | 26,59% | |
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B (EUR) | LU1819480192 | 36,77% | 16,99% | -35,36% | 34,00% |
iShares NASDAQ-100 (R) UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0F5UF5 | 36,74% | 26,85% | 14,51% | 26,43% |
Xtrackers MSCI World Information Technology UCITS ETF 1C | IE00BM67HT60 | 36,65% | 30,99% | 20,35% | 27,38% |
Invesco NASDAQ-100 ESG UCITS ETF Acc | IE000COQKPO9 | 36,64% | 29,02% | 26,54% | |
SPDR MSCI World Technology UCITS ETF | IE00BYTRRD19 | 36,53% | 30,82% | 20,53% | 27,35% |
Invesco EQQQ NASDAQ-100 UCITS ETF Dist | IE0032077012 | 36,51% | 26,75% | 15,03% | 26,38% |
iShares NASDAQ 100 UCITS ETF USD (Acc) | IE00B53SZB19 | 36,49% | 26,71% | 14,75% | 26,38% |
CSIF (IE) MSCI USA Tech 125 ESG Universal Blue UCITS ETF B USD | IE000YKE1AQ5 | 36,27% | 27,19% | 26,16% | |
Lyxor Nasdaq-100 UCITS ETF - Acc | LU1829221024 | 36,15% | 27,25% | 14,66% | 27,76% |
Amundi NASDAQ-100 UCITS ETF - EUR (A) | LU1681038243 | 36,15% | 27,29% | 14,71% | 27,54% |
Amundi ETF PEA Nasdasq 100 UCITS ETF - EUR | FR0013412269 | 36,07% | 27,17% | 14,48% | 27,74% |
Lyxor MSCI World Information Technology TR UCITS ETF - Acc (EUR) | LU0533033667 | 35,60% | 30,59% | 19,14% | 29,05% |
Vitruvius Growth Opportunities B EUR | LU0117772870 | 35,59% | 24,96% | -12,28% | 27,34% |
Xtrackers NASDAQ 100 UCITS ETF 1C | IE00BMFKG444 | 35,47% | 26,30% | 13,31% | 26,12% |
Polar Capital Funds PLC - Global Technology I EUR | IE00B42N9S52 | 35,24% | 22,60% | -6,08% | 29,70% |
Janus Henderson Global Technology and Innovation Fund A2 USD | IE0009356076 | 34,74% | 31,17% | -4,46% | 28,74% |
Franklin Technology Fund A (acc) USD | LU0109392836 | 34,60% | 23,55% | -11,69% | 31,47% |
BlackRock Global Funds - US Growth Fund A2 USD | LU0097036916 | 33,99% | 20,95% | -6,50% | 26,13% |
AGIF - Allianz Global Artificial Intelligence - AT - USD | LU1548497426 | 33,96% | 17,59% | -23,52% | 31,63% |
Raiffeisen-HighTech-ESG-Aktien (R) (A) | AT0000688841 | 33,67% | 30,40% | -1,15% | 27,44% |
iShares S&P 500 Communication Sector UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE00BDDRF478 | 33,51% | 13,16% | -9,71% | 23,24% |
Finaltis Funds - Digital Leaders R CAP | LU0127700903 | 33,17% | 25,12% | -12,85% | 27,68% |
JSS Sustainable Equity - Tech Disruptors C EUR acc | LU1752457405 | 33,14% | 20,66% | -2,61% | 28,59% |
DWS Invest CROCI Japan LCH | LU1769942233 | 33,12% | 32,22% | 32,07% | 17,20% |
SPDR S&P US Communication Services Select Sector UCITS ETF Acc | IE00BFWFPX50 | 33,08% | 15,20% | -9,26% | 22,56% |
Xtrackers MSCI USA Communication Services UCITS ETF 1D | IE00BNC1G707 | 33,00% | 11,88% | -14,48% | 22,72% |
KBC Equity Fund We Digitize Responsible Investing (auss.) | BE6213774514 | 32,86% | 24,50% | 7,14% | 27,00% |
ABAKUS New Growth Stocks | LU0418573316 | 32,83% | 29,74% | 3,34% | 36,41% |
Invesco Communications S&P US Select Sector UCITS ETF | IE00BG7PP820 | 32,65% | 14,29% | -12,63% | 21,87% |
Morgan Stanley US Advantage Fund (USD) A | LU0225737302 | 32,49% | 28,58% | -41,25% | 31,57% |
T. Rowe Price Funds SICAV - US Blue Chip Equity Fund A | LU0133085943 | 32,46% | 21,62% | -7,06% | 24,53% |
UniSector: HighTech A | LU0101441672 | 32,32% | 26,86% | 5,63% | 28,38% |
Morgan Stanley Global Opportunity Fund (USD) A | LU0552385295 | 32,28% | 31,38% | -20,48% | 24,95% |
ERSTE Stock Techno EUR R01 (A) (EUR) | AT0000754262 | 32,13% | 24,90% | -0,86% | 25,25% |
Santander GO North American Equity - C USD ACC | LU1942727402 | 31,98% | 26,79% | -40,31% | 30,95% |
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund A1 USD | LU0209158467 | 31,94% | 23,43% | -1,31% | 24,71% |
BlackRock Global Funds - World Technology Fund A2 USD | LU0056508442 | 31,87% | 20,36% | -15,79% | 27,78% |
Invesco Funds SICAV - Invesco Metaverse Fund A1 Acc | LU2471029905 | 31,78% | 23,06% | 23,91% | |
DWS Invest Artificial Intelligence FC | LU1863263262 | 31,60% | 19,63% | -7,33% | 24,83% |
Aramea Metaworld R | DE000A3DCAS4 | 31,38% | 18,05% | 25,27% | |
HAN-GINS Tech Megatrend Equal Weight UCITS ETF | IE00BDDRF700 | 31,22% | 11,31% | -23,19% | 25,40% |
MSINVF Global Insight Fund A | LU0868753731 | 31,21% | 22,86% | -48,42% | 32,54% |
Pictet - Robotics - P EUR | LU1279334210 | 30,95% | 27,04% | -0,47% | 29,48% |
Franklin Intelligent Machines Fund A (acc) USD | LU2387455863 | 30,67% | 33,93% | 32,17% | |
Goldman Sachs US Focused Growth Equity Portfolio Base | LU0102220448 | 30,54% | 23,91% | -7,03% | 26,38% |
Morgan Stanley US Growth Fund A USD | LU0073232471 | 30,52% | 18,14% | -48,81% | 33,76% |
Xtrackers LevDAX Daily Swap UCITS ETF 1C | LU0411075376 | 30,42% | 50,27% | -3,38% | 36,89% |
Deka-Technologie CF | DE0005152623 | 30,41% | 22,69% | 1,03% | 21,76% |
iShares S&P 500 Consumer Discr. Sector UCITS ETF USD (Acc) | IE00B4MCHD36 | 30,39% | 19,43% | 3,16% | 32,36% |
SPDR S&P U.S. Consumer Discretionary Select Sector UCITS ETF | IE00BWBXM278 | 30,24% | 22,46% | 9,63% | 31,65% |
First Trust GF - First Trust Dow Jones Internet UCITS ETF Class A USD | IE00BG0SSC32 | 30,22% | 22,89% | -27,21% | 27,16% |
Deka-Technologie TF | DE0005152631 | 30,06% | 22,02% | -0,14% | 21,85% |
iShares U.S. Technology ETF | US4642877215 | 30,01% | 29,13% | 19,18% | 24,62% |
Baillie Gifford Worldwide US Equity Growth Fund A EUR Acc | IE00BK5TWD80 | 30,00% | 22,06% | -46,81% | 28,15% |
Lyxor Daily LevDAX UCITS ETF - Acc | LU0252634307 | 29,90% | 50,23% | -3,39% | 36,97% |
KOEHLER Equities R | DE000KAM2016 | 29,86% | 23,00% | -25,73% | 21,35% |
First Trust GF - First Trust Cloud Computing UCITS ETF Class A USD | IE00BFD2H405 | 29,82% | 10,54% | -20,96% | 29,36% |
T. Rowe Price Funds SICAV - US Large Cap Growth Equity Fund A | LU0174119429 | 29,53% | 22,11% | -3,06% | 22,85% |
AB International Technology Portfolio A USD | LU0060230025 | 29,46% | 22,44% | -11,42% | 29,31% |
UBS (Lux) Equity SICAV - USA Growth (USD) (CHF hedged) P-acc | LU0592661101 | 29,37% | 20,95% | -0,57% | 22,73% |
Xtrackers MSCI USA Consumer Discretionary UCITS ETF 1D | IE00BGQYRR35 | 29,37% | 18,41% | -1,07% | 32,47% |
iShares MSCI Japan GBP Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) | IE00B7XYN974 | 29,27% | 27,74% | 24,34% | 19,54% |
Amundi S&P Global Communication Services ESG UCITS ETF DR - EUR A | IE000EFHIFG3 | 29,20% | |||
DWS Artificial Intelligence ND | DE0008474149 | 29,14% | 15,10% | -9,64% | 23,80% |
Invesco Consumer Discretionary S&P US Select Sector ETF A | IE00B449XP68 | 29,12% | 22,99% | 9,86% | 30,77% |
Xtrackers S&P 500 2x Leveraged Daily Swap UCITS ETF 1C | LU0411078552 | 29,03% | 25,38% | 8,04% | 38,49% |
Global X Autonomous & Electric Vehicles UCITS ETF Acc | IE00BMH5YR69 | 28,76% | 17,51% | 33,40% | |
DSC Equity Fund - Information Technology CHF A | AT0000A0XMP5 | 28,71% | 24,37% | 10,10% | 23,14% |
Echiquier Robotics A | FR0012417350 | 28,47% | 16,24% | -11,69% | 27,82% |
UBS (Lux) Equity Fund - Tech Opportunity (USD) P-acc | LU0081259029 | 28,37% | 22,12% | -12,06% | 30,00% |
Amundi Internetaktien | DE0009785303 | 28,33% | 18,89% | -28,75% | 22,54% |
Challenge Funds - Challenge Technology Equity Fund L - A | IE0004621052 | 28,32% | 16,48% | -8,48% | 24,49% |
iShares Digital Entertainment and Education UCITS ETF | IE00023EZQ82 | 28,28% | 25,24% | 23,24% | |
WisdomTree Japan Equity UCITS ETF - EUR Hedged Acc | IE00BYQCZJ13 | 28,27% | 33,41% | 38,06% | 14,98% |
ART Transformer Equities R | DE000A2PB6R4 | 28,24% | 15,91% | -24,81% | 28,76% |
FTGF ClearBridge US Large Cap Growth Fund A EUR ACC | IE00B19Z9612 | 28,22% | 24,77% | 4,16% | 23,24% |
Threadneedle (Lux) - Global Technology AU USD acc | LU0444971666 | 28,13% | 20,36% | 9,55% | 28,76% |
Franklin Innovation Fund A (acc) USD | LU2063271972 | 27,92% | 17,87% | -14,34% | 27,01% |
L&G Emerging Cyber Security ESG Exclusions UCITS ETF USD Acc | IE000ST40PX8 | 27,82% | |||
Fidelity Cloud Computing UCITS ETF Acc USD | IE000M0ZXLY9 | 27,78% | |||
Xtrackers MSCI Europe Information Technology ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C EUR | LU0292104469 | 27,72% | 33,43% | 2,19% | 28,65% |
Xtrackers MSCI World Communication Services UCITS ETF 1C | IE00BM67HR47 | 27,53% | 8,88% | -12,26% | 21,39% |
SPDR MSCI World Communications Services UCITS ETF | IE00BYTRRG40 | 27,40% | 8,41% | -12,23% | 21,32% |
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Retail UCITS ETF - Acc | LU1834988435 | 27,25% | 36,67% | -16,64% | 32,06% |
iShares STOXX Europe 600 Retail UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0H08P6 | 27,23% | 36,61% | -16,61% | 32,09% |
AMUNDI ETF LEVERAGED MSCI USA DAILY-EUR | FR0010755611 | 27,10% | 22,64% | 14,26% | 41,01% |
iShares STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0Q4R28 | 27,08% | 34,30% | 7,52% | 23,35% |
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Automobiles & Parts UCITS ETF - EUR Acc | LU1834983394 | 27,08% | 35,06% | 8,27% | 23,75% |
Putnam US Large Cap Growth Fund Class A | IE00B7W3NL79 | 27,07% | 21,26% | 5,99% | 23,22% |
Amundi S&P Global Consumer Discretionary ESG UCITS ETF DR - EUR (A) | IE000NM0ALX6 | 26,96% | |||
UBS (Lux) Key Selection SICAV - Digital Transform Themes (USD) (CHF hdg) P-acc | LU2054466649 | 26,88% | 20,83% | -10,62% | 23,92% |
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure UCITS ETF - Acc | LU1834988781 | 26,88% | 44,46% | -0,48% | 24,50% |
CoIQ Collective Intelligence Fund R | DE000A3C91C5 | 26,76% | 17,06% | 25,84% | |
Invesco STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Travel & Leisure UCITS ETF | IE00B5MJYC95 | 26,73% | 40,81% | -0,11% | 23,86% |
Lyxor Russell 1000 Growth UCITS ETF - C-USD | FR0011119171 | 26,72% | 21,31% | 11,95% | 23,59% |
SPDR® MSCI Europe Technology UCITS ETF | IE00BKWQ0K51 | 26,67% | 33,01% | 1,88% | 30,25% |
Xtrackers MSCI World Consumer Discretionary UCITS ETF 1C | IE00BM67HP23 | 26,66% | 20,60% | 0,07% | 27,45% |
SPDR MSCI World Consumer Discretionary UCITS ETF | IE00BYTRR640 | 26,65% | 20,62% | 0,37% | 27,40% |
iShares MSCI Europe Information Technology Sector UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) | IE00BMW42413 | 26,60% | 32,64% | 1,63% | 29,90% |
Pictet - Digital - I USD | LU0101689882 | 26,60% | 15,16% | -20,05% | 21,50% |
Allianz Global Hi-Tech Growth - A - USD | LU0348723411 | 26,52% | 15,28% | -2,61% | 23,22% |
Invesco STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Automobiles & Parts UCITS ETF | IE00B5NLX835 | 26,50% | 34,86% | 5,56% | 24,02% |
VanEck Video Gaming and eSports UCITS ETF A USD | IE00BYWQWR46 | 26,46% | 13,52% | -12,44% | 26,67% |
Comgest Growth Europe ex UK GBP SU H Acc | IE00BRTM4M55 | 26,42% | 25,34% | 9,81% | 26,43% |
iShares MSCI World Consumer Discretionary Sector UCITS ETF USD (Dist) | IE00BJ5JP212 | 26,27% | 20,27% | 0,12% | 27,40% |
Invesco STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Retail UCITS ETF | IE00B5MTZM66 | 26,23% | 35,73% | -20,26% | 34,82% |
Morgan Stanley Europe Opportunity Fund A | LU1387591305 | 26,16% | 25,73% | -20,73% | 25,31% |
iMGP Japan Opportunities C EUR HP | LU0204988207 | 26,14% | 27,64% | 27,77% | 11,47% |
Pictet - Japanese Equity Selection HP EUR | LU0248317363 | 26,10% | 25,10% | 24,00% | 15,60% |
Lyxor STOXX Europe 600 Technology UCITS ETF Acc | LU1834988518 | 26,08% | 33,61% | 1,63% | 30,21% |
Allianz Informationstechnologie - A - EUR | DE0008475120 | 26,07% | 15,96% | -1,73% | 23,39% |
Candriam Equities L Robotics & Innovative Technology - C Part (C) | LU1502282558 | 26,05% | 24,21% | 2,35% | 26,42% |
Canada Life Aktien USA II | IE00B0YVMQ80 | 26,03% | 20,42% | -0,43% | 17,75% |
iShares STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0H08S0 | 26,02% | 43,30% | -1,62% | 24,61% |
Alger American Asset Growth Fund A USD | LU0070176184 | 25,99% | 16,78% | -8,54% | 23,53% |
iShares STOXX Europe 600 Technology UCITS ETF (DE) | DE000A0H08Q4 | 25,98% | 33,33% | 1,28% | 29,69% |
Deka-Industrie 4.0 CF | LU1508359509 | 25,88% | 27,53% | -7,05% | 22,45% |
Lyxor MSCI Robotics & AI ESG Filtered UCITS ETF - Acc | LU1838002480 | 25,56% | 21,43% | -9,52% | 25,35% |
DWS Nomura Japan Growth LC | DE0008490954 | 25,54% | 26,56% | 14,94% | 16,01% |
ODDO BHF Artificial Intelligence CR-EUR | LU1919842267 | 25,48% | 15,79% | -6,91% | 26,03% |
HANetf The Travel UCITS ETF Acc | IE00BMFNW783 | 25,46% | 31,30% | 4,37% | 30,56% |
GANÉ Global Equity Fund A | DE000A3DEBF5 | 25,29% | |||
Vitruvius Japanese Equity B EUR | LU0117772284 | 25,29% | 24,27% | 13,77% | 15,24% |
BNP Paribas Disruptive Technology Classic Cap | LU0823421689 | 25,09% | 25,44% | 9,56% | 28,32% |
WisdomTree Cybersecurity UCITS ETF - USD Acc | IE00BLPK3577 | 24,86% | 3,51% | -13,80% | 34,82% |
HSBC MSCI MEXICO CAPPED ETF | IE00B3QMYK80 | 24,77% | 29,09% | 45,50% | 21,77% |
Xtrackers MSCI Mexico UCITS ETF 1C | LU0476289466 | 24,69% | 28,77% | 44,90% | 21,78% |
WisdomTree Japan Hedged Equity Fund | US97717W8516 | 24,62% | 26,66% | 47,71% | 15,54% |
iShares Expandes Tech Sector ETF (USD) | US4642875490 | 24,61% | 26,34% | 5,81% | 24,40% |
MIDAS Global Growth R | DE000A2QDR83 | 24,60% | 17,70% | -1,85% | 20,16% |
Invesco STOXX Europe 600 Optimised Technology UCITS ETF | IE00B5MTWZ80 | 24,58% | 31,29% | -2,37% | 27,75% |
Man GLG Japan CoreAlpha Equity Class D H EUR Shares | IE00B5648R31 | 24,49% | 28,64% | 46,16% | 15,97% |
MainFirst - Global Equities Unconstrained Fund A EUR acc | LU1856130205 | 24,43% | 19,35% | -9,40% | 26,89% |
BC Biotech S | DE000A3DCA95 | 24,42% | |||
DWS US Growth | DE0008490897 | 24,41% | 16,90% | 6,97% | 19,10% |
DWS Invest ESG Mobility FC | LU2463037544 | 24,36% | 21,20% | 25,37% | |
iShares MSCI Mexico Capped UCITS ETF USD (Acc) | IE00B5WHFQ43 | 24,34% | 28,40% | 44,74% | 21,80% |
iShares Electric Vehicles and Driving Technology UCITS ETF USD | IE00BGL86Z12 | 24,33% | 21,95% | 2,36% | 28,08% |
Lyxor ETF DJ Global Titans 50 | FR0007075494 | 24,32% | 18,25% | 13,66% | 21,36% |
iShares Dow Jones Global Titans 50 UCITS ETF (DE) | DE0006289382 | 24,31% | 18,35% | 13,77% | 21,17% |
Thematics AI & Robotics Fund R/A EUR | LU1951200481 | 24,23% | 23,12% | 8,02% | 26,84% |
Echiquier Space - Aktie B | LU2466448532 | 24,05% | |||
Fidelity Electric Vehicle & Future Transportation UCITS ETF Acc USD | IE0009MG7KH8 | 24,04% | |||
Deka MSCI USA Climate Change ESG UCITS ETF | DE000ETFL573 | 24,03% | 18,16% | 15,00% | 23,60% |
Xtrackers MSCI Europe Consumer Discretionary ESG Screened UCITS ETF 1C | IE00BNKF6C99 | 24,01% | 35,18% | 2,90% | 24,46% |
HSBC GIF Mexico Equity A Cap | LU0877824093 | 23,99% | 33,02% | 52,98% | 17,80% |
iShares Automation & Robotics UCITS ETF USD (Acc) | IE00BYZK4552 | 23,95% | 25,41% | 0,02% | 25,03% |
Speerbridge Fund R | DE000A2JQHS8 | 23,94% | 14,29% | -1,50% | 25,48% |
iShares MSCI Europe Consumer Discretionary Sector UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) | IE00BMW42298 | 23,93% | 36,36% | 5,86% | 26,33% |
Magna Umbrella - Magna Eastern European Fund R EUR | IE00B3Q7LD52 | 23,82% | 36,57% | -37,20% | 17,93% |
SPDR® MSCI Europe Consumer Discretionary UCITS ETF | IE00BKWQ0C77 | 23,78% | 36,13% | 5,75% | 26,21% |
iShares MSCI Japan SRI EUR Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) | IE00BYVJRQ85 | 23,73% | 23,07% | 17,07% | 15,42% |
Amundi Japan TOPIX UCITS ETF - Daily Hedged EUR EUR thesaurierend | LU1681037864 | 23,73% | 26,38% | 21,75% | 13,07% |
Janus Henderson US Forty Fund A2 H-EUR | IE0009531827 | 23,72% | 20,72% | -17,41% | 22,72% |
L&G ROBO Global® Robotics and Automation UCITS ETF | IE00BMW3QX54 | 23,71% | 24,70% | -1,46% | 24,98% |
Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund A-Euro | LU0099574567 | 23,70% | 20,71% | 9,32% | 22,46% |
iShares MSCI Japan USD Hedged UCITS ETF (Acc) | IE00BCLWRG39 | 23,69% | 24,37% | 39,14% | 15,22% |
PrivilEdge - Fidelity Technology (USD) PD | LU1390458401 | 23,63% | 21,10% | 9,75% | 23,86% |
Xtrackers MSCI Innovation UCITS ETF 1C USD | IE0006FFX5U1 | 23,52% | 9,53% | 20,95% | |
Allspring (Lux) Worldwide Fund - US All Cap Growth Fund Class A USD | LU0353189680 | 23,49% | 15,17% | -15,35% | 21,73% |
BlackRock Global Unconstrained Equity Fund D Acc USD | IE00BK70NJ20 | 23,48% | 27,17% | 18,60% | 19,99% |
AXA World Funds - Robotech F Cap USD | LU1529780907 | 23,43% | 24,03% | -2,04% | 27,23% |
HANetf U.S. Global Jets UCITS ETF Acc | IE00BN76Y761 | 23,33% | 24,76% | -2,64% | 34,84% |
Baillie Gifford Worldwide Long Term Global Growth Fund A EUR Acc | IE00BK5TW727 | 23,29% | 15,96% | -33,48% | 23,85% |
UniDynamicFonds: Global A | LU0089558679 | 23,10% | 18,61% | 1,23% | 22,05% |
Franklin Disruptive Commerce Fund A (acc) USD | LU2387455194 | 23,07% | 19,31% | 28,13% | |
Oculus Value Capital Fund AGmvK A | LI0445024008 | 23,05% | 21,91% | -14,45% | 23,23% |
Multiflex SICAV - The Singularity Fund D3-USD | LU2209331995 | 23,05% | 16,85% | -3,06% | 22,67% |
EuroEquityFlex I | LU2241121495 | 23,04% | 37,59% | 14,92% | 24,52% |
iShares FTSE MIB UCITS ETF EUR (Acc) | IE00B53L4X51 | 23,02% | 38,58% | 23,09% | 21,18% |
Xtrackers FTSE MIB UCITS ETF 1D | LU0274212538 | 23,00% | 34,09% | 19,06% | 22,45% |
Lyxor FTSE MIB (DR) UCITS ETF Dist. | FR0010010827 | 22,96% | 38,23% | 22,69% | 21,20% |
Deka-Künstliche Intelligenz CF | LU2339791803 | 22,95% | 16,40% | -14,06% | 23,52% |
DNB Fund - Technology A EUR | LU0302296495 | 22,90% | 16,39% | 7,84% | 18,66% |
Invesco Global Focus Equity Fund A-Acc | LU2014315142 | 22,68% | 16,24% | -21,23% | 18,95% |
AI Leaders C | DE000A2PF0M4 | 22,59% | 19,62% | -22,77% | 23,43% |
Frankfurter UCITS-ETF - Modern Value | LU2439874319 | 22,55% | 22,90% | 19,08% |
Quelle: FVBS professional
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