
UBS: Face-to-face with Bin Shi

Join our China webinar on Tuesday, 13 April, 10:30 CET

07.04.2021 | 09:44 Uhr

China’s equity markets were top performers in 2020, but what is the outlook for 2021?

We will be sitting down for an exclusive fireside chat on 13 April at 16:30 HKT, 10:30 CET, and 9:30 GMT with Markus Egloff, Head of Wholesale Client Coverage Asia Pacific, and Bin Shi, Head of China Equities, for a wide-ranging discussion covering questions including:

  • What explains the performance drivers for China’s equity markets and why?
  • What needs to be closely observed through 2021 and into 2022?
  • Which sectors may surprise on the up and down-side?
  • What investment approach for Chinese equities is most appropriate?

Join us for an insightful discussion by registering and contact your CRM to directly submit questions to Bin.

Register here

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