Morgan Stanley IM: An Update on Global Listed Infrastructure

The long and short term outlook for global listed infrastructure (GLI) appears strong. GLI could benefit from a recessionary environment, as it has a history of outperforming global equities in challenging economic periods.

16.10.2023 | 06:56 Uhr

Furthermore low volatility of earnings, stable cash flows and higher income component relative to global equities continue to be the key elements of the asset class. The MSIM Global Listed Infrastructure Team explores.


The value of investments may increase or decrease in response to economic, and financial events (whether real, expected, or perceived) in the U.S. and global markets. The value of equity securities is sensitive to stock market volatility. Diversification does not eliminate the risk of loss. Active management attempts to outperform a passive benchmark through proactive security selection and assumes considerable risk should managers incorrectly anticipate changing conditions. Companies within the infrastructure industry are subject to a variety of factors that may adversely affect their business or operations, including high interest, leverage and regulatory costs, difficulty raising capital, the effect of an economic slowdown or recession and surplus capacity, and increased competition. Other risks include technological innovation, significant changes in the number of end-users, an increasing deregulatory environment, natural and environmental risks, and terrorist attacks.
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