Janus Henderson: Positive impact stocks - Global Sustainable Equity

Hamish Chamberlayne, manager of the Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity Fund, explains his team's approach to stock selection. This document introduces stocks favoured by the team, grouped by theme, together with an explanation of the positive environmental and/or social impact that has been identified for each company.

31.07.2018 | 14:05 Uhr

Positive impact stocks are defined here as:

  • Providing products or services that contribute in a beneficial way to the environment and/or society
  • Promoting a responsible economy and supporting sustainable industry
  • Companies that, in the manager's opinion, should thrive as the world confronts the challenges posed by the key megatrends of climate change, resource constraints, population growth, and ageing populations. 

Please click here to access the document.

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