BNP Paribas AM: "The EU’s Climate Ambition: Who's on Board (and Who's Not)"

New research from InfluenceMap into the extent to which corporations are influencing climate policy shows that industry lobby groups are increasingly out of alignment with the growing sense of urgency over climate change in Europe.

29.05.2019 | 13:17 Uhr

Whereas concern from scientists, investors, regulators and corporations in Europe is growing, powerful industry lobby groups have been slow to reform their negative lobbying on ambitious and decisive policy action from the European Commission since 2015. 

The report assesses eight key industry associations* on their lobbying across a range of EU climate and energy policies from 2015 to the present, noting significant opposition to climate policy, despite increased scrutiny from key institutional shareholders on climate lobbying by corporate trade groups against the ambitions of the Paris Agreement.

The full report is availablehere

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